Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mexican Drug Cartels + You

This issue is somewhat close to me because I know many many people who smoke pot, and most likely you do too. But the reality of the situation is grave. If you smoke pot and don't know that your pot comes from a homegrown plant in the US, you are most likely supporting the murder of children in Mexico. I know, I sound like a evangelical extremist or something. But it's true. The Mexican drugs cartels sell to people in the US. They see a growing demand for pot so they are "upping the anty" and seeing that controlling the border would be beneficial for their trade. They know the college douchbags, and wanna be rastas will pay for their crop and so they are pushing for control over the border towns to more easily transport marijuana and other drugs (pot is 70% of their revenue). They kill people with no mercy. They kill children. They use the threat of killing children to take over ENTIRE towns. Just to sell to you Mr. Stoner.

Mexico wants us to legalize marijuana, but they don't even have it legalized. Granted, and obviously, their police are powerless to do anything about anything. Mexico is controlled by powerful men and drug cartels. There is no need for us to risk the stability of our economy and the health of our people (health meaning many people who don't know how the drug effects them could end in disaster) to help them, when we have a healthier alternative.

The easiest solution to this problem is for all who smoke pot to just stop. Just get over it. Pot is not physically addictive, so it would not be hard for users to just put it down for the sake of the safety of Mexican innocents. That is a better and easier solution. If you can't put down your pipe, unless you use it for medicinal purposes, you are just being selfish. I'm sorry, but if I knew something I was buying was causing the death of children and innocent people I wouldn't buy it anymore.

disclaimer for all you pot fanatics: I have nothing against the drug itself. In small amounts it can be relaxing. But it's foolish to compare it to alcohol. I don't smoke anymore, and I never really did. But every time I smoked I felt more out of control than when I drank. Pot really can be dangerous to some, and too much can really damage you (cheech n chong). We already have a lot of deaths because of alcohol, do you REALLY want to introduce another drug? You think legalizing pot is a good thing? Well do you also think doubling the amount of under-the-influence car crashes is a good thing?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kava and lecithin

Today I made some kava in the way that I usually do (little bit of lemon-lime soda), but I added some egg yolk. The reason being egg yolk was the primary subject for the isolation of lecithin. So, since I don't have any lecithin granules I thought I'd try egg yolk, and get some extra protein in the process. The result was a horrid tasting concoction. To me, kava doesn't really taste that good, and using instant kava from adds a powdery texture to the already not-so-great taste. In spite of all that if you only use enough liquid to make it decent to shoot down your throat, you can avoid tasting it. Especially if you use a chaser. So yeah, it's like taking a shot. Except you won't get a hangover and you won't get drunk.

Anyway, did the addition of the egg yolk intensify the experience? Yeah. It did. I was beginning to think I was getting immune to kava. The last few experiences were very mild despite using Shaman Kava, which is very potent. Apparently lecithin does help in the extraction of kavaclones. But now that I think about it, since I'm using instant kava, have the kavaclones already been extracted? Maybe I just made a good batch.

Oh well, it was worth a try. I think maybe this summer I will finally make kava the right way. I want to get the full kava experience!